Hawks Important COVID 19 Update – 2
During these unprecedented times the Perry Lakes Hawks will be communicating via our website and social media so all administrators, players, coaches, parents, members, staff and supporters are regularly updated and informed. Please find below the latest information:
BWA Media Release
For all the information on the suspension of Basketball in WA please click here: Media Release COVID19 – 17 MARCH UPDATE
Following negotiations with all SBL Clubs regarding COVID-19, Basketball WA has announced the postponement of the 2020 SBL season until the end of May. The SBL Commission will hold urgent meetings in the coming days and liaise with Clubs to determine what the revised format will look like and what restrictions will be put on the competition. More information is to come. To read the full media release click here.
Junior Competition
Due to the unique situation we are currently facing, we have made the decision to post-pone the start of our Junior Competition. At this stage, we will look to commence the season on the weekend of 1st/2nd May, with Under 8’s starting 28th April. As we draw closer to these dates, we will work with Junior Clubs with regards to Grading and the Season itself.
Junior Competition Training
Junior Club training will now commence week commencing 27th April.
WABL Competition 2020
BWA has made the decision to review the commencement or otherwise of the season after the Easter break, the current starting date is not until Late April and this gives BWA and the clubs the time to review the situation closer to the start date.
WABL Training
In light of this information, we have decided it best for all teams, for the Club to suspend WABL training for a two week period, therefore there will be no WABL training scheduled until Thursday April 2nd at BBC, JTC or Lords.
WABL Gala Morning
Sunday 29th March – CANCELLED
COVID-19 is transmitted from person to person, usually when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Transmission may occur from contaminated surfaces, so it is important to frequently wash your hands.
To protect yourself and others from infection practice good hand and respiratory hygiene including:
• cleaning hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rubs regularly;
• covering your nose and mouth with a tissue or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing;
• to avoid additional contact we suggest teams don’t shake hands after games until the risk subsides;
• do not share water bottles or other items that require personal contact;
• do not share food containers between team members;
• avoiding contact with anyone who has symptoms such as fever, a cough, sore throat, fatigue, and shortness of breath;
• staying home if you are unwell.
Thank you for your understanding.
Perry Lakes Hawks Hawks Administration