It is strongly suggested that all involved with the PLHBA Junior Competition are aware of the competition By-Laws. The PLHBA reserves the right to make amendments or inclusions at any time, should it become necessary as determined by the Committee.

For rule clarification please contact any of the members listed below.


Competition Administrator:     Jenny Purser
Competition Manager:                Luke McLaughlan–
Referee Coordinator:                   Eddie Farquharson

New Referees:                                Emily Letch-Avenell –



For a copy of the PLHBA Junior Competition By-Laws click here : PLHBA-Junior-Competition-By-Laws__Official-240323

For a copy of the Special Rules for U10-U12 click here: SPECIAL RULES Under 10 and Under 12

For a copy of the WABL Players per team guidelines click here: PLHB Juniors – WABL players 2023